Illuminate Social, led by CEO Becca Bahrke, stands at the forefront of talent management, orchestrating creator campaigns and partnerships across the digital landscape. Recognizing early that manual processes were constraining growth potential, they partnered with Ace Workflow to revolutionize their operations through innovative automation solutions.
The company faced significant operational challenges while managing thousands of inbound inquiries and over 600 campaigns quarterly.
Ace Workflow implemented their 'Minimize Manual' process to transform Illuminate Social's operations:
The custom-built Glide app provides talent with:
"Ace Workflow's automation gave us the clarity and efficiency we needed. With Spark, our talent can access everything in real-time, and managing over 600 campaigns feels effortless. We're no longer bogged down by manual processes—it's a game-changer for us."
Becca Bahrke, CEO
From: Manual reporting consuming hours, constant payment status inquiries, and overwhelming campaign management processes limiting growth.
To: Automated systems handling 600+ campaigns quarterly, real-time talent access to information, and scalable operations supporting 4x revenue growth.
The implementation of the 'Minimize Manual' process delivered transformative results: