Workflow Automation

How to use an Airtable Template + Free Airtable Templates

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“We can now focus on other critical areas of our business because we finally have the bandwidth.”

Airtable is a no-code software for keeping track of projects. It can help you visualize your sales process or help with tracking task management. The platform has a clean user interface and is built for collaboration across teams with real-time access.

If you are unfamiliar with the software or are looking for new ideas on how to apply it best to organize your project, this article will guide you. Airtable Templates are an easy way to get started with a new system and begin organizing your information.

Airtable Templates come with preset views and fields that are specific to certain types of data. Whatever situation you are confronting, there is a template for that use case! For example, there is a template for tracking sales leads, another for managing projects and communicating data to stakeholders, and yet another for event planning.

In this article, we will show you how to use an Airtable Template and provide you with a free Airtable Template to get started.

What is Airtable?

Airtable is a cloud-based, spreadsheet-database hybrid known for its flexibility and collaboration features. The tool has been growing in popularity among small businesses and teams looking for alternatives to traditional databases and spreadsheets. It is used across industries for a variety of tasks, from managing customer relationship management (CRM) data to tracking inventory, to market data collection, to tracking social media campaigns' performance. Like all tools, how you use them is up to you, but certain tips can make the tool more effective.

Now, let's get into the different components Airtable offers, so you can understand the building blocks of templates.


Airtable comes with several default views, including a grid view (which looks like a spreadsheet), a Kanban view, a calendar view, and a gallery view. You can also create custom views. Templates will have views built out to best serve the use case they are addressing. For example, if you are using Airtable as a content marketer or to track a social media project, you might want to view your content calendars in one view and manage assigning tasks to marketers at your company with another view.


Airtable comes with many default fields, including attachments, checkboxes, drop-down menus, multiple select, number, percent, phone number, rating, URL, and more. You can also create custom fields. The variety of field types may initially seem overwhelming, but templates will help you better understand what each field type is best used for.


These are individual entries that live within a table. Each record is made up of several fields, and each field can hold a different piece of information. For example, in a CRM template, each record might represent a different customer, with fields for that customer's name, phone number, email address, and so on.


Airtable tables are where all of your records live. You can think of them as spreadsheets or databases.


Airtable has several filter options that can be used to sort and organize your data. Filters can be applied to views to display only the information that you want to see. For example, you could use a filter to show only records that are marked as "urgent" or "high priority.

Is Airtable Data Secure?

Airtable takes data security and privacy seriously. Using a template will not compromise the security of your data. Your data is always stored securely and is only accessible to those with whom you share it.

Understanding Airtable Templates

An Airtable Template is a pre-built database that comes with specific views and fields for certain types of data. Airtable Templates are an easy way to begin organizing your information. They can also be a great way to see how other people are using Airtable to organize their businesses.

Airtable Templates can be a great way to get started with using the tool or to help you solve a specific problem. Templates are essentially pre-built Airtable bases, which you can customize to fit your needs. You can find templates for a wide range of use cases on the Airtable website, or you can create your own template from scratch.

Airtable templates provide a quick and easy way to get started with your Airtable base. Using a template can save you time by providing a pre-built base with the structure and fields that you need for your data.

Automation Possibilities of Airtable Templates

With just a few clicks, they can automate repetitive tasks, saving you time and energy. For example, you can use a template to automatically generate invoices based on data from your CRM base. Or alert your sales teams and marketing team to shifts in your inventory. Or, you can use a template to populate a marketing calendar with events from your sales data or send digital receipts to customers. The possibilities are endless!

Airtable also offers the ability to automate your bases using their software. Automations can be used to perform a variety of tasks, from sending email notifications to updating records based on changes in other records.

These automations are made possible by Airtable's ability to seamlessly integrate with other software, such as Zapier, Google Sheets, and Mailchimp. These relationships save small businesses valuable time, and can help them account for external factors. Airtable can automatically pull documents, so your team can focus on building relationships with the customer.

Finding Airtable Templates

There are a few different ways to find and use Airtable templates, and the best airtable examples come from many places. Relational databases like airtable are connected, and when it comes to templates, development is being done by multiple groups.

The Airtable Website

You can browse through a wide selection of templates on the Airtable website. To find them, go to They are organized into categories. These categories include templates for managing content production, event planning,

HR & recruiting, marketing, the nonprofit sector, PR & communications, project management, and more.

Airtable Universe

Airtable Universe is a place where you can find user-created base templates. You can browse them for inspiration, copy templates made by other users, and, if you feel compelled to design your own, you can upload your templates here to share them with all Airtable users.

Additional Templates

You can also find Airtable templates on outside websites or have one designed specifically for your business by a consultant.

Creating Your Own Template

If you can't find a template that suits your needs, you can always design your own from scratch. Creating your own template gives you the opportunity to tailor the base exactly to your specifications. This flexibility is built into Airtable. It is a no-code platform, which means you can unleash its full potential without any coding skills or knowledge of Javascript, Python, or HTML.

Get Your Free Template

ACE Workflow is happy to offer a free template to get you started with Airtable! This highly practical template is called the Invoicing System Template. It is an accounting template that allows you to manage inventory, invoices, and vendors. Best suited for startups (both B2B and B2C), manufacturing firms, Institutions/ Public service organizations, and E-commerce & fulfillment companies, this Invoicing System Template would be a great choice to get your accounting in order. It can replace Quickbooks or Freshbooks, Xero, or Excel Spreadsheets as your invoicing system. Click here to find it.

Capabilities of this Template

This template gives you a great overview of your business finances in one place. It's easy to use and can save you a lot of time and energy when it comes to managing your finances. One way it does this is by storing client and vendor information. This helps you keep track of who you need to invoice and ensures that you're always paid on time.

Another way the Invoicing System Template can save you time is by calculating live inventory levels. This means that you'll always know what's in stock and can plan accordingly. Lastly, the template can calculate live profit levels. This is a great way to keep track of your finances and ensure that you're always making a profit.

How to Use This Free Airtable Template

Using the Invoicing System Template is easy. Simply enter your inventory data from your product catalog. Then, put your client and vendor information into the template and let it do the rest. The template will calculate inventory levels, invoices, and profits for you.

Generate a new order by creating a new order record, adding the appropriate contact, then inputting the items in the order. Next, populate the qualities and prices. Then, you can confirm the order in the order table.

This is a great way to make sure your business will stay organized and ensure that your clients are always happy.

If you're looking for a simple, effective way to manage your finances, the Invoicing System Template is a great choice. It's easy to use and can save you a lot of time and energy. Again, Click here if you would like to use it.

More Airtable Solutions from Ace Workflow

Ace Workflow is a top Airtable consultant. If this template seems like it could streamline your business processes, and you want to learn more about what is possible or need help designing a system targeted towards your business's needs, connect with us.

We will help you determine how Airtable can be used to save time and make your business more efficient. We are experts in template development and can share tips to improve database performance for your small business or large company. We are standing by to put the tools in your hands.

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